Thursday, November 29, 2012

My Childrens book- Kendall Macaw Loves Her Ma #1

Woo Hoo!
Who says free promotions don't work?
My book has reached #1 for School Aged Children on Kindle's Free List of Ebook Downloads. That may sound easy to do, but with thousands of new books loaded every day, I'm pretty excited!

 I took a picture for posterity.  Thanks to all and any who have bought it or downloaded it. Can't wait to finally have time to put some more of these together.

Best Sellers in School-Age Children

Top 100 Paid

Top 100 Free

Kendall Macaw Loves Her Ma
Auto-delivered wirelessly
Little Girls Can Be Mean: Four Steps to Bully-proof Girls in the Early Grades
Auto-delivered wirelessly
Organizing the Disorganized Child
Auto-delivered wirelessly
Until next time- Keep the Faith and Keep on Smiling!
God Loves You!
- Tammy 

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Has God Finally Turned His Back on America?

Today is Wednesday, the day after the election. To say I'm sad is an understatement. But I'm not all that shocked. I kept praying that enough people would come out and vote for a new leader, one with Godly values. But I think the truth is that there just aren't enough people left in our country who feel that God is important. That's why we've had such a decline.  When you take God and the ten commandments out of the system, it will crash and burn.

I pray for all the people who don't see this country headed for Socialism, or worse.
I pray for our leaders to have a change of heart but am scared it's simply too late.

I think God has turned his back on America, and honestly- I can't blame him.

I just hope he'll find some of us favorable in his sight like he did with Moses. He destroyed the entire world then b/c it was so full of sin and corruption and idolotry- saving only the one family that he found to be a man of God. He promised to never do that again to the world- but I think he'll just let this great country, the USA,  which was founded on His values, continue down its own destructive path to ruin and condemnation. 

Still, I'll continue to bless and praise Him.


Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Today's the Day- Election Day

I hope everyone gets out and votes- unless of course you're voting for Obama. Then I hope you'll stay home.
I believe this is a pivotal time for our Country.
I want a President who stands on Godly principles and believes in applying those principles to the leadership of our country.

Without God, and the reasons behind why this government was formed, we are doomed to fall apart.
I think the proof of that is already happening. It is easy to see. Look around at the crime, the poverty, the trillions in debt our nation and our children face.  Look at our depleted military and their spouses who barely make it on the income they're given, while giving up everything for our freedoms.

And speaking of our freedoms- we are losing them quickly.  We have lost the right to pray in schools or at athletic fields. We can't have the Ten Commandments posted- because that's a bad thing? To tell our children in our schools not to murder... so instead we put up metal detectors they must pass  through to make sure we don't have another Columbine. And it won't be long before you lose your right to bear arms at the rate we're going... What's next?

We as Christians need to take a stand today and vote for a leader who believes that life, all life, no matter how it originated, is important and deserves to be protected.  We need a leader who believes in traditional ideas and the marriage between a man and a woman.  I'm not a hater. If you are gay and choose that lifestyle, that is your choice, but I don't believe that you should be allowed to demand government to recognize your choices just because you want the entitlements that come from same-sex marriage. 

I want a leader who doesn't deplete our military to the point we are defenseless from attack against countries who hate us.  Remember 9/11 people? It can happen again.

I want a President who wants to get us out of debt. China basically owns us if they were to call us to pay up now.  I don't know about you, but I'd be hard pressed to learn Chinese in the next twenty years if we lose our Country.

I want a President who doesn't force Socialism down my throat. I don't want mandated health care and I certainly don't want to divy up everything equally. I believe people can get out and work and earn their fair share. If you call me a dreamer for that so be it. But I'm tired of capable working adults shacking up with one another having 10 kids they can't take care of, living in government housing and getting food stamps and welfare checks while the rest of us go to work everyday so they can use our money to buy things they don't need. I'm not saying the ones who can't work don't deserve aid. But more times than not, if you watch the news, you'll see well-dressed recipients standing in line, with their coach purses and their LV sunglasses using their Iphones to make a call. I"m sick of this.

If you're sick of it too. Vote against Obama and his dreams of having a Socialist US with him in control.

I'll get off my Soap box now and post again after the election.

May God save us all and our leaders!
God Bless and Amen!

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Intro for book trailer- Kids Summer and a Shoestring Budget

Great way to save thousands every year during the summer. Check it out. Available on Kindle for download, or in paperback at local retailers and through

Thanks for checking it out.

My new Summer Camp Book is available in paperback!

If you need Summer Camp for Free- this is the perfect book for you to learn how. 7 easy tips. Available on kindle or in paperback! 

Order yours today. save thousands and let your kid have the best summer ever!

How to Get Summer Camp for Free- Kids Summer and a Shoestring Budget