Monday, August 15, 2011

My first book in the Little Luke Series is up on Kindle!

This is a children's book I wrote while pregnant with my very first child. I was looking for good Biblically-based children's books to build a library for her so that when she was old enough, we could read together. I was surprised to find there wasn't a lot of published books for young kids that had positive messages and content directing them to Jesus. It was then that I decided to just write my own and share them with her as she got older.

Fast forward 7 years and she now reads this book on my Kindle. It was easy to load it up to Kindle on Amazon, but I'm still working with an illustrator to get the other pages ready before having it made into a "real" book to put in stores and in the hands of family and friends. 
Please pray for my success in this, as its not to be a money maker-(Believe me, of the 99 cent purchase price, I only make 35 cents). 

But the reason I'm promoting these books is not to get rich, but to provide parents other options. I believe there are very few resources out there for Christian parents. There are tons of best selling books on Spongebob, Wizards of Waverly Place and Hannah Montanta that may be cute and fun but these aren't exactly the type of Morals I want my child reading about. 

Today's "pop culture" permeates every facet of our youth through commercials, songs, television shows and even their clothing, book bags and lunchboxes.  Some of these "reality" shows and "cartoons" provide a culture that is the extreme opposite of what my family accepts and embraces. So what's a mom to do?  I wasn't about to give up TV, turn off the radio, or move to the Amish Country. And yet....I wanted to follow the Lord's prompting and create answers to my little one's questions that would align with the teachings of Jesus. That is what my Little Luke Series is about.

So if you've ever had one of your children look at you innocently and ask a simple question which deserves a much "harder" answer, I hope you'll consider the Little Luke Series as a resource. 

But please don't misunderstand me. I'm no expert. I'm just a Christian Mom trying to help my kids through this thing called life. As much as I'd like to think my degree in Sociology and my past experience working in Child Protective Services gave me fresh insight, it didn't. If anything, it clouded my judgment. That knowledge made me more callous and less understanding to the ways of the world and the people in it, and it frightened me when I thought about what the future may hold for my children.

Only the TRUTH, as written in the BIBLE could provide the answers I needed when my girls began asking the "tough questions." So whenever they asked about death, or homosexuality, or race or divorce I consulted the words of Jesus. Once Peyton started Kindergarten, more questions came, about the stuff they started learning in school. We discussed why radical Muslims hated Christians on the anniversary of September 11th. Last year when the news broke about Bin Laden we discussed that, and just this month how a mom could kill little Caylee Anthony.

Don't assume that your kids don't hear the news or get exposed to current events in the school playground. They are little sponges and many times, it takes a parent prompting them to find out what they think and know is the truth.

Don't let the outside world influence their opinions, when you have that God-given right to lead them. I had to go to the Bible for answers. 

Children today face many more questions than we did growing up. Our world seems to be experiencing events that would make anyone nervous. Imagine you are only 5, 8, or even 13 trying to figure it all out. Parents need to be able to address concerns in a context that makes them feel safe, loved and not scared to live in the world today.

Let's face it, as morals in our country and around the world decline, a guiding positive force is needed more than ever. My light, my answer is Jesus. I want my children to grow up knowing him, and feeling that He is their very best friend. That is what Luke has in these stories- he knows he can talk to Jesus, his Best Friend, about anything. He won't be embarrassed to ask, or upset with the answers. Because he understands that Jesus would never lie, and only wants the best for him.
Well, in wrapping up, I'm so sorry for the length. I didn't really intend to witness like that, but hey, it's my blog and sometimes the good Lord says, " Go with it Girl". Hopefully, either despite it or because of my convictions, you'll continue to follow Mommystress!

In closing, many more books are to follow. All the stories are dealing with how Jesus would answer real-life questions from a typical 8 year old in today's western world. Some of the future titles you'll be seeing are- 
"Jesus, why doesn't Sara's daddy live with her anymore?" (story about Divorce).
"Jesus, why does Justin keep picking on me?"-(Story about Bullying).  
"Jesus, how can Ava have two mommies? (Story about homosexuality). 
"Jesus, Dre's skin is different than mine, Why?" (Story on race) 
Jesus, Why did you let Grandma get sick and die? (Story on Death/Heaven), 
"Jesus, should I let Mary copy my test?"( Story on Cheating),
"Jesus, Why do Mommy and Daddy need another kid?" (Story on Adoption).

These are just a few of the Titles that will be loaded up soon. I hope you'll enjoy them and share along with your kids. Each book is written so that a typical 2nd-3rd grader can read it by themselves. Each story has a Bible Verse quoted at the end that ties the story together.

Thank you for reading and feel free to share feedback and helpful criticism that would make these books even better.

Tammy Fitzherbert

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